Food is the most powerful tool at our disposal, every meal is an opportunity to either undermine or increase health and vitality.
The digestive system operates from NORTH TO SOUTH
What happens in the brain and stomach has a critical impact on what goes on in the liver, gallbladder and small intestine where food is absorbed and the large intestine where our gut flora live.
So how does our digestive system work ?
Digestion begins in our brain where the sight or smell of food triggers our mouth's salivary glands, as it enters our mouth its chemically and mechanically broken down. Hydrochloric acid in the stomach breaks food down and gets rid of pathogens like parasites, viruses, bacteria, yeast and H Pylori. This mix enters the small intestine where the pancreas releases enzymes, further breaking down our food and tagging food molecules to be rebuilt as our DNA. When fat is detected, the gallbladder releases bile acids making it easier for the body to use. The small intestine has villi or finger like projections that increase its surface area by 60-120 times for greater absorption. Here, food passes through a valve into the large intestine where gut bacteria breaks down undigested fibres that feed our gut lining cells. Our gut microbes produce a range of important nutrients and others like water and bile are recycled.
What can go wrong?
Stress puts our nervous system into a state of fight and flight failing to trigger our digestive juices like saliva and stomach acid, and the contraction of the muscles as we swallow and begin digesting our food.
When we don't chew our food properly or eat too fast, the rest of digestion process is compromised. This food can't be broken down properly or nutrients absorbed, which can damage our gut lining as well as feed bacterial overgrowths and other infections
In the stomach, low acid is very common and means our first line of defence against viruses, yeast, bacteria and parasites is gone, leading to infections further south
Low stomach acid along with low digestive enzymes also means our food isn’t broken down and can't reach the right acidity (pH) for it to be rebased into the small intestines. Our food ferments and goes rancid until it escapes up our oesophagus through reflux or GERD
Eventually, this undigested and unsafe food goes into the small intestine, where it damages the lining causing intestinal permeability or leaky gut. These overly large food particles and pathogens get through to our blood stream on the other side
There they put our immune system on high alert, which causes inflammation, allergies, food sensitivities and even autoimmune disease
The valve between our small and mostly sterile intestine can jam open, resulting in bacteria escaping into the small intestine where it doesn't belong. This is called SIBO and can result in intestinal damage, malabsorption, toxicity and terrible symptoms .
In the colon, too few good bacteria and too many bad bacteria, yeast or parasites produce toxic waste. This alters our acid-alkaline balance, creates more leaky gut and can even lead to serious illness.
A major factor to damage the gut microbiome, is Gluten and due to the hybridisation of wheat, it now contains much more gluten and much less nutritional value than years ago. Similarly, the highly refined sugar, processed and junk food diet make the gut and gut wall vulnerable to damage.
What goes on in our gut has a direct link to our brain (The Gut brain axis) and most of our immunity, brain function and emotional wellbeing resides here so it's vital to keep it healthy.
If someone wishes for Good health, one must ask oneself if he is ready to do away with the reasons for his illness. Only then it is possible to help him.
This is WHY it's so important to consider what's happening throughout our digestive system and not just in our gut microbiome. Without fixing upstream issues, your gut microbiome will likely remain imbalanced and continue to contribute to health and immunity issues.
The principle of Giggling Gut is based on weed, seed and renew protocols using functional nutrition.
Together we focus on targeting the root cause of many common issues.
If a detox is required, we detox, when a gut cleanse is what's needed, we're on it, even cleansing the liver can have amazing results as the liver is a renewable organ. Applying the process of elimination is key to identify the causes at the root.
Such knowledge is so important to a healing journey and when you know better you are able to do better.
So by being able to identify which part of the environment may be the cause of a particular inflammatory response in your body, such as eczema or psoriasis etc... we can begin to target the causes of such responses.
The smallest adjustment to lifestyle allows us to quickly learn to trust the signals your body is giving you.
When we are unwell our body send us messages in the form of symptoms. Our bodies naturally wants to heal and will respond very quickly when given the right environment.
We will be with you every step of the way and will be your cheerleader when you begin to notice you have energy and start to see and feel better. We will join you in celebrating when you are no longer held back by symptoms or anxiety, fatigue, pain, etc
You can show up the way you dream
to. You have a right to live up to your full potential. It all starts with the choices you make about health and wellness.
Mark Hyman
The food you eat sends direct messages to your body, influencing everything from your metabolism and immune function to your brain health and longevity. Whole nutrient dense foods like leafy greens, healthy fats, clean proteins and colorful vegetables can help inflammation, balance your hormone and prevent chronic disease. A diet loaded with processed foods and sugar does the exact opposite , triggering inflammation, insulin resistance and illness. If you want to feel better, think clearer and live longer, fill your plate with real healing foods.
- Mark Hyman
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